Thursday, June 30, 2011

BlackBerry Alliances with Microsoft

Initially BlackBerry had its own operating system developed exclusively by Rim. However, things have changed since past two years. Now there is Google Android at the top followed by Apple IOS. Though these acquire almost similar market share but android holds a brighter future as it is targeting almost every levels of customers. Apple on the other hand targets the niche only, so the market share will be limited to a particular class of people only. 

Nokia and Microsoft had signed a contract already and now it is BlackBerry’s turn. BlackBerry application development will be happening on Microsoft platform in the near future. The new models will have Microsoft operating system. This will make it easier for developers to work upon the applications.

BlackBerry application developers will develop apps for two different mobile phones simultaneously – BlackBerry and Nokia; reason being both operate on same operating system. Then the mobile industry will be dominated by three operating systems i.e. Microsoft, Apple, and Android.

Microsoft will definitely be a good operating system as developers are well versed with the operating system. They can work with expertise and interest as most desktops and laptops have the same operating system. Developers will feel at ease working on a familiar background and have the opportunity to experiment more for better BlackBerry application development. 

Blackberry is popular brand amongst Business class and Executives as it enhances business functions through its applications. And future is quite bright for BlackBerry application development. Developers can build and deploy customized BlackBerry apps for their esteemed customers.

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