Wednesday, November 9, 2011

BlackBerry loaded with goodies for the users this New Year

Due to problem in services Blackberry has announced downloading of free premium apps, RIM has also announced that soon the BlackBerry users will be able to use the latest and upgraded version of BlackBerry Messenger.

The latest version is packed with many new features specifically targeting the application users and its usage. As a result of this the users will be able to use the applications connected via the BBM, this will allow the user to share information instantly with other BBM users without leaving the BBM interface and will also give the added advantage of new sharing capabilities to the users. The users with the latest BBM can invite the ones with the older versions. The latest version of BBM will make the accessing of applications much easier. This new version also makes it easier for the BBM users to share the applications as well. 

There are many reasons for the BlackBerry users to be happy with RIM this New Year. They would get to download premium mobile apps from RIM application store and at the same time the company has announced the launch of BBM’s latest version. RIM has made for the services which were down about 2-3 weeks back to make their users happy, however they  should keep in mind that this trick will not work in the future.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

BlackBerry applications live life differently

BlackBerry has been undergoing a lot of application development. Its big smartphones and user friendly qwerty keyboards have encouraged the use of applications in a big way. Here are a few of those apps:
WorldMate Live
The WorldMate Live app for BlackBerry has turned these smartphones into simple and smart travel aid. WorldMate Lives’ travel planner and management application helps the traveler throughout his trip with very helpful and important itinerary updates, maps and directions to the hotel and meetings scheduled, weather forecasting etc.
Amazon Application
The Amazon app for BlackBerry smartphones enables its users to view the retailer’s online site in an optimized format which is downloaded on the device. The users can browse and purchase products with one click, view customer review, track packages and access their shopping cart. With this app , available with a trackball, the BlackBerry users shopping online on Amazon’s site can access their Amazon account, cart, wish list, payment and shipping specifications, order history and customer benefits. The customer can download a photo of the product he wants to buy from Amazon and the portal will search that product for the customer.
Flicker on BlackBerry
Share your world with the Flicker app on your BlackBerry smartphone. Take a picture, post it to your Flicker account right with the convenience of your BlackBerry phone. This mobile photo uploader has been developed to offer the features as good as one on your desktop computer. The BlackBerry smartphone keyboard, menus and prompt make it easy to use and learn.
Pandora Radio is your own free personalized radio available right there on your BlackBerry smartphone to stream the music on the mobile handset. Just start with the name of your favorite singer, songs or composers, and Pandora will create a station that plays the music to your heart’s content.
Infospace Find it
Infospace FindIt, it is an easy-to-use mobile concierge developed as BlackBerry application that helps you find the destination you are looking for. This app pinpoints your desired location using automated GPS or location systems, or preset entries such ZIP code, address or other intersections.
SlingPlayer Mobile BlackBerry application enables the user to watch and control his home TV and DVR via SlingBox on the phone. It can be downloaded using your smartphone’s browser.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

BlackBerry Application Development on latest Operating system

The latest BlackBerry mobile apps are developed for all new operating system introduced recently by RIM. This is recently introduced by BlackBerry to keep in sync with other mobile players in the market. BlackBerry had made a marked entry in the field of Smartphone. But recent figures have shown a phenomenal decline in sales of BlackBerry mobiles as the features offered by other operating systems are more in comparison. Therefore, RIM has developed and introduced latest mobile operating system especially for BlackBerry users to empower them with latest applications and use of their handheld device. 

BlackBerry apps development has delivered some very good BlackBerry apps for users. Introduction of latest operating system has increased mobile sales and enabled people to use their handsets for broader perspective. 

RIM has already introduced it in BlackBerry tablets and apps are developed to support the system. BlackBerry provides good business apps which go a long way with the users in fulfilling their business goals. Similarly, these tablets also have BlackBerry apps developed to enhance business operations and enable users to operate the system for their benefit. 

BlackBerry app developers in the Company are accustomed with latest developments and can be contacted for app development for latest OS. Application developers have complete knowledge about the system to yield apps as per client specifications. These BlackBerry apps may also be used by third-party vendors to make money by selling these apps at a good price. Innovative, useful and deployable BlackBerry apps fetch good price from end users. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Blackberry Applications Develop your Business

Blackberry Smartphone have a number of useful business applications. Herein mentioned are a few of them.

PeekaWho – this application pops an alert when an incoming email message is received. It saves you the hassle of opening the email client on your BlackBerry every time you get a message. It shows the sender, subject and snippet of the text.

Maximiser CRM – Contact relationship management, this application offers numerous features of the desktop CRM function right there on your BlackBerry. This app supports wireless deployment capabilities and can also work as an independent CRM program in tandem with the company’s desktop and browser based products.

Pocket Mac for BlackBerry – Pocket Mac is a free app which lets you sync your BlackBerry Smartphone with a Mac computer. this app syncs information, calendars, contacts, tasks, email and notes using a plethora of apps such as iCal, Entourage, Mail app, iTunes and Daylite, from your Mac to Blackberry and vice-versa.
Twitter Berry – it’s the social networking site which allows the Blackberry Smartphone user to tweet using his Smartphone. It is a free application.

Opera Mini – although BlackBerry browser is a good option as a mobile browser but it’s really Opera Mini which has stolen the heart of mobile user. It runs quickly, browsing the pages at a good speed.
Viigo – Viigo was originally a news app but it has gradually evolved into tracking weather, flight status, sports, stocks and even lifestyle reviews.-

iSkoot Skype – iSkoot Skype lets you access your Skype account a BlackBerry Smartphone. You can chat on Skype resulting in saving of voice charges by Skype or voice calls. One can call regular phone numbers by using Skype to call them.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

BlackBerry Applications Develop only the relevant ones

BlackBerry application developers develop different applications to attract their customers. It is observed that most applications are not even clicked-upon to know about them. The case is more evident for BlackBerry business apps. It is best to draft a strategy to develop BlackBerry applications and market them as per their user needs.

Say a business application for BlackBerry users will find usage only when it is developed for that particular model and serves the need. These should strike a chord between the users and stand out. 

Portability: BlackBerry business apps are available for different models. These should have the capacity of portability to different models so that different mobile users can download the app and use it for them.

Location based services: Particular location should be kept in mind in making the application. This includes the language of that place and other characteristics. Most BlackBerry business apps are developed to promote business operations. Care should be taken to develop only the relevant applications and that these should impart proper functionality to apps users. 

Business applications have to be highly personalized and location based adverts. These are potential revenue generator – either in the form of value addition or direct revenue generator or cost reduction to allure BlackBerry users.

Applications are an expensive deal. They have to solve the purpose of their development or the developer and the customer have to incur heavy losses. Companies invest in software which have capability of delivering financial gain. Also these apps should be interactive and user friendly to be used by the users.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

BlackBerry Mobiles Preferred Business Phone

RIM created and developed BlackBerry mobiles are complete business partners. These mobiles take care of all the business needs and can be customized as per user’s choice. Alternately BlackBerry Smartphone is also used to boost social circle and stay connected with friends and family through social networking.

BlackBerry app developers take care to develop the right social networking apps which cater to customer needs and maintain customer interest also. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter users are facilitated to use their BlackBerry mobiles by downloading a relevant BlackBerry business app and running it on the Smartphone. 

Mobiles are fast becoming a business companion where people upload their data and files on custom mobile apps and take care of important business propositions or operations, as the case maybe. Smartphone concept was introduced by BlackBerry mobiles enabling people to send and receive mails and make business life easier with interesting and helpful business app development. 

BlackBerry business app developers take care of intricate details like marketing propositions, HR-issues, financial spread-sheets and more. It is difficult to remember all small issues. These can be noted-down in the list and completed one by one. 

As per survey, BlackBerry users are happy with mobile performance. BlackBerry mobiles have the capacity to upload many different applications and work upon then by working on one and switching onto another. Then the app user has leverage to shift from app to app and work on each app efficiently. Apps can also be integrated with desktop or laptop applications for a wider perspective. 

Customized BlackBerry app provides adequate business back-up.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

BlackBerry Alliances with Microsoft

Initially BlackBerry had its own operating system developed exclusively by Rim. However, things have changed since past two years. Now there is Google Android at the top followed by Apple IOS. Though these acquire almost similar market share but android holds a brighter future as it is targeting almost every levels of customers. Apple on the other hand targets the niche only, so the market share will be limited to a particular class of people only. 

Nokia and Microsoft had signed a contract already and now it is BlackBerry’s turn. BlackBerry application development will be happening on Microsoft platform in the near future. The new models will have Microsoft operating system. This will make it easier for developers to work upon the applications.

BlackBerry application developers will develop apps for two different mobile phones simultaneously – BlackBerry and Nokia; reason being both operate on same operating system. Then the mobile industry will be dominated by three operating systems i.e. Microsoft, Apple, and Android.

Microsoft will definitely be a good operating system as developers are well versed with the operating system. They can work with expertise and interest as most desktops and laptops have the same operating system. Developers will feel at ease working on a familiar background and have the opportunity to experiment more for better BlackBerry application development. 

Blackberry is popular brand amongst Business class and Executives as it enhances business functions through its applications. And future is quite bright for BlackBerry application development. Developers can build and deploy customized BlackBerry apps for their esteemed customers.