BlackBerry application developers develop different applications to attract their customers. It is observed that most applications are not even clicked-upon to know about them. The case is more evident for BlackBerry business apps. It is best to draft a strategy to develop BlackBerry applications and market them as per their user needs.
Say a business application for BlackBerry users will find usage only when it is developed for that particular model and serves the need. These should strike a chord between the users and stand out.
Portability: BlackBerry business apps are available for different models. These should have the capacity of portability to different models so that different mobile users can download the app and use it for them.
Location based services: Particular location should be kept in mind in making the application. This includes the language of that place and other characteristics. Most BlackBerry business apps are developed to promote business operations. Care should be taken to develop only the relevant applications and that these should impart proper functionality to apps users.
Business applications have to be highly personalized and location based adverts. These are potential revenue generator – either in the form of value addition or direct revenue generator or cost reduction to allure BlackBerry users.
Applications are an expensive deal. They have to solve the purpose of their development or the developer and the customer have to incur heavy losses. Companies invest in software which have capability of delivering financial gain. Also these apps should be interactive and user friendly to be used by the users.
I agree with your point, Obviously, It is best to draft a strategy to develop BlackBerry applications and market them as per their user needs.